Horia Neagu

Horia Neagu

Horia Neagu

We are beyond excited to introduce one of the brilliant minds speaking at WordCamp Romania 2024—the one and only Horia Neagu! 🥳 Horia is the Owner at Napoleon.Digital, a leading digital marketing agency specializing in SEO consulting, technical auditing, forensic SEO, and content marketing. If you’re passionate about leveling up your website’s performance, visibility, and overall digital strategy, Horia’s session is a must-attend!

🌟 Who is Horia Neagu?

Horia has been deeply immersed in the world of WordPress since 2007, back when it was affectionately nicknamed “Ella” and the autosave feature was an exciting new novelty! His journey with WordPress began at a time when the platform was still evolving, and he’s stayed loyal ever since, witnessing its transformation into the powerhouse CMS it is today.

Horia is a die-hard WordPress fan and a hopeless geek, with an infectious enthusiasm for public speaking. He strongly believes that bad web design should be a crime and is on a mission to use WordPress to make the web a better place, one site at a time. His life motto is: “Plans are useless, planning is everything,” which perfectly captures his strategic approach to digital marketing and web design. If you’re looking to hear from someone who truly understands the intersection of SEO, web development, and WordPress, Horia is your guy!

🎤 Horia’s Session: Turning the Age-Old WP Civil War Into a Win-Win

For as long as we can remember, developers and SEOs have been locked in a seemingly endless tug-of-war. From conflicting priorities to communication gaps, the tension between these two crucial roles has been referred to as the “WP Civil War.” But what if there was a way to turn this age-old rivalry into a powerful partnership? 🤔

That’s exactly what Horia is here to talk about! His session, “Turning the Age-Old WP Civil War Into a Win-Win,” will offer practical solutions on how developers and SEOs can join forces to deliver better websites for clients—faster, more optimized, and with fewer revisions.

Here’s a taste of what Horia will cover:

⚔️ Why Devs & SEOs Often Clash

The tension between developers and SEOs is real. Whether it’s because of:

  • Conflicting goals: Developers focus on fast, efficient code; SEOs push for search visibility and content optimization.
  • Communication breakdowns: Miscommunication and unclear project expectations lead to frustration on both sides.
  • Different perspectives: SEOs may seem to ask for last-minute changes that devs see as unnecessary, while developers are often perceived as ignoring SEO needs.

Horia will dive deep into the historic reasons behind this friction and why these two disciplines often clash, even though they’re both working toward the same ultimate goal—client success.

🎯 Shared Goals: The Overlap Between Devs & SEOs

Contrary to popular belief, developers and SEOs are not so different after all! They share key objectives, such as:

  • Website performance: Fast-loading pages are crucial for both user experience and SEO rankings.
  • Usability: A user-friendly website benefits everyone—from search engines to visitors.
  • Security: A secure website helps with both search engine ranking factors (think HTTPS) and user trust.

Horia will highlight the many ways that devs and SEOs overlap in their work and how they can better support each other by recognizing these shared goals.

🧠 Breaking Down Common Misunderstandings

There are plenty of misconceptions that create friction between devs and SEOs. In this session, Horia will tackle some of the most common myths:

  • “SEOs make unreasonable demands”: In reality, many SEO requests are grounded in improving visibility and performance, which can be done efficiently with the right planning.
  • “Developers don’t care about SEO”: This couldn’t be further from the truth—developers care deeply about performance and code quality, which are also key SEO factors.

Horia will show how early collaboration between devs and SEOs can address these misunderstandings, ultimately resulting in better code, cleaner websites, and fewer headaches for both teams.

🤝 Seamless Collaboration for Client Success

In the second half of his talk, Horia will discuss the tools, techniques, and workflows that make it easier for SEOs and developers to collaborate effectively. From:

  • SEO-friendly code practices (like semantic markup and resource management)
  • To project management tools that keep both sides in sync,

Horia will give practical advice on how to avoid the back-and-forth revisions that so often plague web projects. The goal? A smoother collaboration process that ensures better results for clients, while making everyone’s life easier.

🏆 The Ultimate Win-Win: Business Value of Dev-SEO Partnerships

The big takeaway from Horia’s session? Devs and SEOs are stronger together. By forming real partnerships, they can:

  • Improve website performance
  • Create better user experiences
  • And most importantly, attract higher-value clients by offering a more integrated service.

Horia will show you how working together leads to fewer post-launch issues, more efficient workflows, and ultimately, a win-win situation for everyone involved—developers, SEOs, and clients alike.

🎟️ Don’t Miss Horia Neagu’s Session at WordCamp Romania 2024!

Whether you’re a developer, an SEO expert, or someone managing web projects, Horia’s session will offer invaluable insights on how to turn the age-old dev-SEO rivalry into a powerful collaboration that drives success.oth devs and SEOs can use to stop the friction and start building better, faster, and more SEO-friendly websites—together!

This is your chance to learn from one of the best in the field, whether you’re a developer, an SEO expert, or someone who simply wants to learn how these two worlds can work in harmony.

Improve yourself by joining this presentation!