Become a Sponsor!

The wait is over! WordCamp Romania is coming to the heart of Transylvania, Brașov, this November! Imagine the dynamic WordPress community gathering in the enchanting city of Brașov, where rich history blends seamlessly with modern innovation.

This isn’t just an invitation; it’s an opportunity to be part of something extraordinary. Our tailored sponsorship packages offer an exclusive platform to connect deeply with the WordPress community.

By sponsoring WordCamp Romania, you’re not just supporting the WordPress community – you’re investing in your business’s success.

Reconnect with valued clients, discover fresh talent and strengthen industry connections. Be part of shaping the future of WordPress in Romania. Let’s create an unforgettable experience together!

Spaces are limited and go on a first-come, first-served basis. 90% of the booths are sold within the first 3 weeks after the Call for Sponsors is announced.

Sponsorship Benefits

Are you ready?

The smooth process of how to become a WordCamp Romania 2024 Sponsor!


Choose package


Fill the form


Wait for approval


Sign & Pay!


Finalize details


Enjoy your booth!

Steps 4 and beyond will take place once your sponsorship is confirmed.

Is this your first time being a sponsor at a WordPress event?

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