Main Organiser
WordPress Engineer & Consultant
As a human,
I was born in Timisoara, Romania – Europe, I live in Brasov city and I’m married to Daiana together we have two amazing daughters Elina & Ecaterina. My passions include cooking, LEGO building, archery, overlanding/hiking, photography, and woodworking/crafting. Also sometimes I write or draw doodles.
As a WordPress contributor,
I’m focusing on the local community by organizing the Brasov WordPress Meetup every month and by reactivating the WordCamp Romania conference. I also contribute to other areas of WordPress: Photos, translations, theme review, and a couple more.
As a web developer,
I help businesses gain more freedom and happiness by leveraging the amazing flexibility of WordPress software.
Focused on web performance and business development with a strong development background.
Highly skilled at transforming ideas into final products. Over the years I have gained experience in all aspects of WordPress starting from design, development, product management, deployment, maintenance & optimization.
As an entrepreneur,
I run a small WordPress development agency focused on medium clients and I offer NFC-based marketing solutions to entrepreneurs that allow them to connect the online with the offline. Besides that, I’m involved in a couple of other small businesses not tech-related.